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ACME Environmental Solutions
Lawson Rock
Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras
PBX: (504) 2445-2822
Fax: (504) 2445-2828
Mayan Princess Beach and Dive Resort makes water quality their priority!
In August 2009, the hotel was acquired by the McNab family. Kyle McNab approached this challenge with great enthusiasm. The Mayan Princess had a reputation to uphold and yet renovations and innovations were needed to excel in the very competitive West Bay market. "I decided to do this because I think all island businesses need to be more conscious about our island environment and I wanted the Mayan Princess to lead the way in West Bay." says Kyle.
ACME ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS is owned and operated by a group of dedicated professionals and engineers with a combined experience of over 40 years in providing water purification, sewage treatment, and solid waste solutions.

The ACME staff is familiar with international standards and local regulatory codes. Our engineers have education, training, and the practical, working knowledge of utility systems, diversified experience in providing on-site solutions, as well as an ability to integrate and diversify resources as the needs of our clients expand.

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